Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy new Persian (Iranian) Year

Happy New Persian (Iranian) Year. The reform in nature is a unique example set by nature to show for reviving always there are room. Many years passed with a huge change in our society and community. We can make most of it by accepting positive changes and denying losing our identity and positive character. Persia (Iran) thrives within everyone who loves it and would like to serve it. May God bless Persia (Iran) and all its beloved ones.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Earth Quake and Tsunami

There is a natural disaster in Japan and everybody sympathizes with Japanese Nation. Your nation is thriving and will be. I would like to remind Japanese that they are not alone and they revive and retrieve much worse disaster during history. One of them is World War 2. You always survive and would be stronger.

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