Everlasting Fairytale Inc. is a family Company active in entertainment industry, media and contemporary literature. It Functions as E-business, Online Publisher, Internet Marketing, Advertising and E-commerce Company. The web sites of the company are an actual application for a creative and modern web development and design.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
In the name of God
As a proud Persian (Iranian) I would like to convey my best greeting firstly to Persian (Iranian) and then to the friends of Persia (Iran). I wish with the change and restriction in the nature our humanity revive and any hatred change to love, peace and harmony. Persian (Iranian) always shows the reliability and their potential to the world. Hope this year begins with the deepest contribution of Persian (Iranian) to the globe. Persia (Iran) always has been the symbol of ancient civilization and the love to our motherland bring unification, peace, blessing and harmony for all Persian (Iranian). Persia (Iran) does belong to all Persian (Iranian) around the world.
As a public servant I am proud of my identity and love all of Persian (Iranian) and its beloved one. May God bless Persia (Iran).
Saturday, March 9, 2013
©®™E.F. Magic
Everlasting Fairytale is pleased to announce the first Application Software Evolve and developed solely by Everlasting Fairytale Inc.
E.F. Magic the software developed by everlasting fairytale is user friendly and give the flexible option in blue print of the marketing and advertising department in each company.
E.F Magic is a software application active in configuring and blue print of Marketing and Advertising department in corporations and businesses. E.F. Magic functions as utilities for online presentation, blue print and support in Global & Local Market as an established brand. It has various advantages including:
'Free for 30 days, then $50'
'Flexibility in Blue Print'
'Latest Technology'
'Compatibility with all platforms'
Hereby I would like to thank Google and my other affiliates to support me. In return I believe this application has a great contribution to Google Affiliate and my other affiliate networks in empowering these Networks with the latest Technology in Marketing and Advertising. It engages the users with innovation and gives them opportunity to have choice of selection. It is developed by well-known brand established for more than three years. It has the support of almost all well-known brands.
Everlasting Fairytale Inc. is not alone in updating, patching or modifying E.F. Magic application. This application engages directly more than 20 different companies in evolving technology and updating, patching and modifying.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Happy International Woman Day
Happy International Woman Day. Today we appreciate our Mothers, Daughters and Sister etc. The Value of a lady is in the character and her contribution in community. Unfortunately we are in the battle field for human rights around the world. Ladies are not the only concern although they are one of the most precious one. The smallest unite of the community is family and is the best place to appreciate the source of the blessing. for the family. The best place to teach and appreciate of human rights is in the family which is the foundation of community. Hope to appreciate family and respect the foundation of civilization.